[met at Università Bocconi - pic clearly stolen from her facebook]
Cioppi, the traveller. She spent half 2010 between Melbourne and Sidney, then lived in New York for the first three months of 2011. Back in Italy, she went back to her hometown, Modena, but then spent the whole summer in Lecce. Next destination? Maybe London. Let's see!
unusual saturday night
[pic taken by a person not able to use Hipstamatic. i'm talking about myself]
After some update about our lives and some healthy gossip, we - me and the girls in the picture above: Federica, Flavia, Rossella - decided to spring a surprise on our friend Laura, working in a restaurant.
We knew Laura had to finish between 00.30 and 1, so we arrived and started smoking cigarettes waiting for her. Unfortunately she stopped at 3.30. We spent TWO HOURS AND A HALF out of that posh restaurant and when she finally arrived we spent not more than 10 minutes with her!
At least, she loved the surprise or, better, she could not believe we did not go away after one hour.
night time