met on 22 april

This is Rubens, Bar Cuore, Milano

Rubens comes from Brasil, we met him at 55DSL and he followed us during the whole night! The best memory I have about him is on Duomo place: Rocco and Davide asking him "Rubens, do you like boys or girls?"

These are Louìs and Karol, Bar Cuore, Milano

They are Rubens friends. They joined us at Cuore and we finished the bar's Jegermeister supply.
Next week they are leaving to Barcelona, then Madrid and then I don't remember.

These are Matteo and Doris, corso Genova, Milano

They are my neighbours!! Sorry for the picture, but after you brought me to the last pub it has been very hard to take a straight framing.

PS You are not old.

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