met on 17 september

This is Rosita, at her beautiful place, Milano

- Do you wanna come up and drink a glass of wine? -

This is il signor Rattazzo, Bar Rattazzo, Milano

Everybody loves him.

This is Paola, Bar Rattazzo, Milano

She always drinks neat vodka. Gosh.

This is Mattia, Colonne di San Lorenzo, Milano

He is back from Kenya, where he spent a month doing charity work.
I need him to tell me E V E R Y T H I N G.

This is Emanuela, Colonne di San Lorenzo, Milano

Beautiful with her new haircut.


Jonathan Safran Foer

Everything is illuminated (Ogni cosa รจ illuminata)
Extremely loud and incredibly close (Molto forte, incredibilmente vicino

Protection - Massive Attack

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