met on 16 october

These are Baptiste, Federica and Rosita, Università Bocconi, Milano

Teamwork: project and launch of a ski-boot.
That was the yesterday's program for the design management class. Our group forgot to bring the pc to university.. So we had to use the professor's one.
Unfortunately Excel didn't work so well on his pc, so we had to finish the work home and send it not later than 8pm.
Unfortunately we listened nothing last lesson, so we didn't know what to do with this uncomprehensible Excel table.
Luckily we knew that finally we had to exceed a 1,37% benchmark value: Federica and I went home and tried to put numbers in that table, after 2 or more hours we reached a 1,29% benchmark. We mailed it to the professor, also if it was already 9pm.


Enzo Baglieri, Design Management teacher during four sessions, he kindly lent us his pc and risked heart attack when a girl tripped over the feeder.

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